Bone loss is caused by periodontal (gum) disease. Think of periodontal disease as termites in your home. By the time you notice them, the damage has already been done. But just as an exterminator knows how to spot potential problems for termites and stop them before they start destroying your home, the dental professionals at Olympia Hills Family Dental know how to detect the early signs of periodontal disease before it puts you at risk of losing your teeth.
Have you ever sat in the dental chair listening to the hygienist practice counting? What she is really doing is checking for bone loss. Numbers three and under tell us the bone is healthy. Higher numbers signify bone loss.
Another tool we use to detect bone health is x-rays. Dental x-rays let us take a look at the bone level around the teeth, allowing us to catch problems early. Knowing your bone level helps us make a personalized plan to help keep your teeth healthy and your foundation solid.
Call now for a check up and have your bone level evaluated.
To learn more about periodontal disease, check out WebMD for a good overview.
And be sure to check back with us as we continue our dental tips countdown.
Top 10 List
#10 – When to Change Out Your Toothbrush
# 9 – “To Seal or Not To Seal, Is That Really A Question?”
# 8 – Teeth Whitening: Relationship Advice You Can Use
#7 – These are some really BRIGHT tips
# 6 – Brush Your Tongue
# 5 – When Do You Allow Your Child To Take Care of Their Own Oral Hygiene?
# 4 – Dry Mouth and What to do About It
# 3 – Preventing Dental Bone Loss