Don’t believe me? Think about the times you woke up in the middle of the night in need of a drink of water because your mouth felt like the Sahara Desert. Now imagine if your mouth always felt that way. No doubt about it, saliva definitely falls into the “don’t know what you had until it’s gone” category.
The medical term for dry mouth is “xerostomia.” Xerostomia can be caused by a side effect of a medical condition or medication. Besides making you feel like you’ve been snacking on cotton balls, having a dry mouth can have long term negative effects to your oral health including a higher risk of decay.
Here are some great tips from the professionals here at Olympia Hills Family Dental to help restore moisture to your mouth:
1. Keep water with you at all times. Make it a habit to sip water throughout the day.
2. Try an artificial wetting agent. These come as drops or rinses and are formulated to keep your mouth moist.
3. Use a prescription strength toothpaste. Talk to your dentist about a toothpaste with a higher percentage of fluoride to help protect your teeth.
4. Increase your professional cleanings. Schedule to see your hygienist every 3 to 4 months instead of every 6.
5. Talk to your primary doctor to find out the cause for your dry mouth.
As always, the professionals at Olympia Hills Family Dental are here for you.
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