Dental crowns have been around for many years. In fact, some of the first crowns were made from ivory, bone and even human teeth. Eventually doctors began to use gold crowns, and dentistry has evolved into what it is today. So, why do dentists suggest a tooth have a dental crown? Dental crowns are used to cover and protect broken and damaged teeth allowing the patient to preserve the tooth and its function. Crowns are also sometimes used for aesthetic reasons. Some people may not like the cracks, chips, gaps, or even the shape of their teeth, and crowns can give them the smile they desire.
There are many different types of crowns used today, and they range from an all-metal, to a porcelain-fused-to-metal, to an all-porcelain crown. All of these types of crowns function well. The primary difference between them all is aesthetics – how they look in the mouth. The all-porcelain crowns have been the first choice in aesthetics for many years, but their main disadvantage in the past has been the durability or strength of the crown. With a breakthrough in research and materials, now all that has changed! The all-porcelain crown I now prefer, which gives both durability and aesthetics, is called an E-Max crown.
The E-max crown is considered a breakthrough in dental crown technology. I read an article last year from Clinicians Report, that in their 35 years of testing “these are first crowns to show NO cracks, chips, breaks, wear, or staining after their first year of service in the patient’s mouth.” E-max crowns are considered the best match with the existing, natural teeth surrounding the crown. Since E-max porcelain crowns do not have a metal alloy base, the finished crowns have a much more natural, translucent look than ever before!
We at Olympia Hills Family Dental are always looking for the best and most up-to-date dental technology to help you keep your smile looking its very best! If you would like to know more or if you think you need a crown, please don’t hesitate to give us a call.