I recently went to a Continuing Education class where the doctor presented the idea of using the patient’s extracted tooth as a temporary tooth covering the immediate placement of a dental implant. I thought the idea was wonderful and that it would be a great service for my patients. When the right case came along, I informed my patient I would like to try this procedure. It has only been a couple of weeks since placing the immediate dental implants and using the extracted teeth to temporarily hold the place for the soon-to-be fabricated crowns.
So far the results have been great! What an excellent way to make temporary crowns look and feel more natural until the implants heal enough to place new crowns. The patient is extremely satisfied and the gums are healing beautifully.
We are always looking for better ways to help our patients and make them happier with their smile. This is a great option we were able to provide to someone who didn’t want to be without teeth while the dental implants healed.
If you have any questions or concerns about dental implants (traditional or immediate placement) or other ways to replace your missing teeth. Please feel free to contact us for a free Dental Implant consultation.
Jerame Hafen, DDS