Welcome Retired Military Veterans
For years and years, retired military personnel have had the option of take it or leave it when it comes to dental benefits. The only option was a standard plan through Delta. The name of this program was TRDP (Tricare Retiree Dental Program). The senate passed a bill in 2017 that will do away with TRDP as of December 31, 2018. Retired military members are now being given the option of enrolling in a dental plan through the Federal Benefits Program, FEDVIP (Federal Employees Dental and Vision Program).
Learn More – The New FEDVIP Program
Retired uniformed service members and their families who were eligible for the TRICARE Retiree Dental Program (TRDP) are eligible for Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP) dental coverage and potentially FEDVIP vision coverage.
There is a new site about these new federal benefits, and explaining the transition from TRICARE to FEDVIP. There they have articles about the transition and things you need to know.
Q: Will I be automatically enrolled?
A: No one will be automatically enrolled into the FEDVIP program, and everyone eligible must apply during the open enrollment period.
Key Dates
Coverage Begins
January 1, 2019